The transformation of an existing dark, claustrophobic and inward functioning cellular space into a light filled, flexible teaching area as part of the State’s STEM roll out.

The new facility activates underutilised spaces and incorporates innovative teaching solutions, providing an education option that is closely aligned with Tertiary Education Facilities. Expedited under a fast tracked program, the upgraded facility includes maker spaces, science facilities, office spaces and a central lecture area.

Combining both the poorly performing indoor and outdoor space, an innovative and interactive indoor / outdoor teaching and learning area was created which all students and staff want to be a part of.

The philosophy of indoor / outdoor learning was further nurtured via tree and nature motifs throughout the interior as well as providing a simple ‘vergola’ shelter system to activate and connect the previously underutilised and not easily accessible space outside.
This is one of several projects completed by Studio Nine at Woodville High School, commencing with a Master Plan and then the completion of a Resource Centre, Trade Training Centre, Performing Arts and Music Facility and general learning area upgrades over the last decade.